The Albanian Citizenship

Law N.o 113/2020

The  Albanian citizenship is acquired by:

 a) Birth;

b) Origin;

c) Birth in the territory of the Republic of Albania;

ç) Naturalization;

d) Adoption.

For the foreigners:

1. Albanian citizenship is acquired by naturalization by a foreigner who has submitted an application and meets the following conditions:

a) has reached the age of 18 (eighteen) years;

b) has legal capacity to act;

c) resides legally and has resided for a continuous period for not less than 7 (seven) years in the territory of the Republic of Albania, and has obtained a permanent residence permit, valid at the time of submission of the application, according to the law on foreigners;

ç) has an apartment in accordance with the approved housing standards in the Republic of Albania;

d) has legal income and financial resources, sufficient for living in the Republic of Albania, which correspond to the minimum standard of living, indexed annually in relation to the price index of some selected goods, provided in the regulation of the Institute Social Security;

dh) has not been convicted by a final court decision in his country, in the Republic of Albania or in any third country for criminal offenses, for which Albanian law provides sentences of not less than 3 (three) years imprisonment. Exception to this rule is made only in those cases when it is proven that the sentence was given for political motives;

e) has knowledge of the Albanian language, spoken and written, certified by the relevant educational institution, as well as basic knowledge of the history of the Republic of Albania, according to the rules set by higher education institutions;

ë) does not pose a threat to public order and national security of the Republic of Albania.

Article 9

 Special cases of gaining Albanian citizenship

1. Albanian citizenship can be acquired by a foreign citizen who has reached the age of 18 (eighteen) years when it does not pose a threat to public order and national security of the Republic of Albania, even in cases where the Republic of Albania has a national interest or interest in the field of education, science, art, culture, economics and sports.

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