
Regjistrimi fillestar I biznesit (Person Fizik)

1- Identifikohu ne e-albania si individ 2-Perzgjedh sherbimin: Regjistrimi fillestar i biznesit (Person Fizik)3- Plotesoni formularin sipas fushave perkatese, kujdes te vecante:* Adresa e biznesit*Fusha e veprimtarise4- Mbasi kemi derguar aplikimin dhe eshte gjeneruar NIPT: *regjistro biznesin ne e-Albania* regjistrohu ne: fillim me user:...

Nga 1 janari 2024, tatim progresiv 15 deri 23% për të vetëpunësuarit te profesionet e lira

Nga 1 janari 2024 hyn në fuqi udhëzimi për zbatimin e ligjit “Për tatimin mbi të ardhurat” Përmes ligjit “Për tatimin mbi të ardhurat” nga 1 janari 2024 të vetëpunësuarit e profesioneve të lira nuk do të trajtohem më si biznes i vogël me 0%, por të ardhurat neto (fitimi) nga biznesi, pas shpenzimeve të zbritshme sipas nenit 22 të ligjit, të vetëpunësuarit do të tatohen me...

Population density of Tirana

"Scan Intel" has processed the data of Open Data, Municipality of Tirana, regarding population density according to administrative units: Population density is calculated as the average number of people per square kilometer in a given space. Thus, the administrative units "Myslym Shyri", "Tirana e Re" and "21 Djetori" are more populated, compared to the units "Dajt", "Farkë" and "Kashar" as the...


Të gjitha subjektet, të cilët ushtrojnë profesionin e ndërmjetësit të pasurive të paluajtshme për të paktën 12 muaj nga hyrja në fuqi e ligjit nr.9/2022 “Për profesionin e ndërmjetësit të pasurive të paluajtshme”, paraqesin kërkesë për regjistrim në Regjistrin e Ndërmjetësve të Pasurive të Paluajtshme pranë Ministrisë së Drejtësisë, shoqëruar nga dokumentet si më...

Real Estate Licence

All subjects, who practice the profession of real estate broker for at least 12 months from the entry into force of Law No. 9/2022 "On the profession of real estate broker", submit a request for registration in the Register of Real Estate Brokers Real Estate at the Ministry of Justice, accompanied by the following documents:a) 2 photographs;b) Copy of the identification document;c) Family certificate;ç)...

“The Good Country Index”

According to the there is an index that refers to measure what each country on earth contributes to the common good of humanity, and what it takes away, relative to its size. In such index, Albania is ranked in the 64th place among 169 countries in the world, in terms of the contribution it makes as a country to its neighbors and the world. This publication comes in...

The Albanian Citizenship

Law N.o 113/2020 The  Albanian citizenship is acquired by:  a) Birth; b) Origin; c) Birth in the territory of the Republic of Albania; ç) Naturalization; d) Adoption. For the foreigners: 1. Albanian citizenship is acquired by naturalization by a foreigner who has submitted an application and meets the following conditions: a) has reached the age of 18 (eighteen)...

Strategic Investments in Albania

Based on: Law No. 55/2015 On Strategic Investments In The Republic Of Albania Article 5   Public interest Strategic investments, defined as such in this law, are considered in the public interest. The determination of the public interest in the selection of a strategic investment is evaluated according to: a) Investment value;   b) Time of realization of the...

Albanian fiscal system: deadline and dues:

Regarding business registration procedures in the Republic of Albania is based primarily on the specific legal provisions on business registration, commercial companies and tax procedures. The list of examined legal and sub-legal acts includes, but it is not limited to the following acts: • Law no. 9723, date 3.5.2007, “On business registration”; • Law 131/2015, “On the National...

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