December 2020

Ndryshimet fiskale nga 01.01.2021

Duke qene se ndryshimet fiskale jane vemendje e rendesishme e bizneseve dhe operatoreve ne treg, duke qene edhe te vazhdueshme duhet treguar nje kujdes akoma me i madh. Kemi sjelle ne vemendjen tuaj shume shkurt pikat kryesore te cilat hyjne ne fuqi nga 01.01.2021: Ndryshimi I pragut te regjistrimit per TVSH: Regjistrimi per TVSH aktualisht eshte 2 milion leke, behet 10 milion nga 1 Janar...

Business in the time of Covid-19

Even in healthy times business it’s always a challenge, can we find the words to describe and for more do business in time of World Wide Covid -19 Virus impact. At my opinion, I can admit that we succeed it, every one of us in different manners but I can say that in overall we did it. But how? In a time when the stress and anxiety was part of our daily life we still managed to do...

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